Our Church School

St Giles has always had a close relationship with Graffham School. It’s immediately opposite the Church and was founded by the Rector of St Giles in the 1850s. On 1 April 2014, after 100 years as a community school Graffham School returned to being a Church School. Bishop of Chichester Martin Warner presided at a special service to mark the occasion. Graffham Infant School is now part of Lavington Park Federation with Duncton Junior School.

Reverend Vivien is serving as a Foundation Governor, responsible for ensuring a Christian ethos appropriately inspires each aspect of School life. She leads assemblies regularly at the Infant School and special services for the school in St Giles Church.

Our Church is developing new links with Graffham Infants and working to support the school federation.

We are enjoying meeting parents and children at our services in St Giles Church, particularly our ‘Church on Sunday’ family Eucharist on the first Sunday of each month. See Worship: Services at St Giles

More information about the school can be found on the Lavington Park Federation website.

Also see the Friends of Graffham and Duncton Facebook page for fund-raising events and activities.