Set in the heard of the South Downs, our unique and beautiful village of Graffham shows great community spirit, offering support and encouragement to each other in many ways throughout the year.
We have so many community events – in the Church, Empire Hall and Recreation Ground – including an Arts Festival, Flower Show, Bank Holiday Fete, Harvest Supper and Christmas Fair. There seems to be no limit to everyone’s creative imagination and energy!
We have a ring of six bells in the tower of St Giles Church and a keen band of ringers. We enjoy hearing the bells ring regularly in our village, on Sundays and for special occasions including weddings. During Covid restriction, the ‘Ringing Room’ virtual bell tower was used by our ringers to practice method ringing to great effect. New members are always welcome – why not give it a try?
St Giles Church is opposite the village infants school, and Revd Vivien joins them regularly for assemblies, prayer and worship. The children also come to St Giles for special services such as Christingle and Easter. As a Church School, Headteacher Helen Martin and her staff enable the children to develop a secure understanding of Christian values. The teaching of kindness is modelled and supported throughout all of school activity for children, their families and our community. The school ethos is child-centred learning, so children can follow their interests with curiosity and creativity.
Visit the school website:
And see the Friends of Graffham and Duncton Facebook page for events and activities:
Charities supported by our parish most recently include the Chestnut Tree Hospice, Stonepillow, the Petworth Foodbank, Help Refugees and an orphanage in Tanzania. We continue to offer financial support to these and other charities as and when we can.
We are part of the Petworth Area Churches Together group. Regular gatherings help to foster positive relationships between denominations and to demonstrate Christian witness and service through unity and solidarity. The Foodbank in particular is a focus for our shared Christian service just now.
Visit the PACT website for information:
During the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces, several Graffham families generously offered their homes and hospitality to people from Ukraine. We are delighted to continue this support wherever it’s needed.