Graffham loves flowers and appreciates its volunteers who arrange them. We have a lovely altar display both at St Giles and All Saints, every Sunday except Lent and Advent and several arrangements at St Giles on Festival occasions. Arrangers often kindly provide their own flowers, however the Church has a flower fund which helps provide for larger arrangements for Festivals, and a small sum can be allocated for regular services if need be. Often people donate towards lilies in memory of loved ones at Easter. It is a while since we held a Flower Festival in St Giles, the last being the Queen’s Jubilee in 2012. Perhaps it is time for another soon.
If you enjoy flower arranging and would like to join the regular flower rota or help at festivals you would be very welcome. Please see Contact and Find us for the flower arranging co-ordinator’s contact details, who will be pleased to hear from you.