Please help safeguard Graffham’s historic village church and parish
At the centre of Graffham village life for 800 years, the future of St Giles and the independence of our parish rely on the whole community.
It’s hard to imagine Graffham without a thriving church: a focus for the community at Christmas, Easter, Remembrance Day. A gathering place for life’s major moments like weddings and funerals. We love the bells ringing out over our homes and fields. We are grateful to have a dedicated priest to serve us all, whether we have faith or not.
The closure of the church during the 2020 pandemic resulted in a serious loss of income and put the parish in a precarious position. Funding much needed basic maintenance has become a real challenge, and we want to pay for highly desired improvements, such as the installation of a toilet.
Keep this beautiful church alive by donating today: Click to go to St Giles Graffham’s online giving page.
Every act of generosity is hugely appreciated, but regular giving is the best way to provide support. The secure platform this provides assures us that our bills can be paid and allows us to plan for the future. If you are an occasional or regular giver when you visit our church, it would help enormously if you would be good enough to support us on a planned basis – weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. In most cases, the government will add 25% to what you give through Gift Aid.
Please help safeguard the future of St Giles and all it does in serving the Graffham community. Choose which of the five easy ways best suit you:
- Via our a Parish Giving Scheme to give on a regular basis – online, by phone or by filling in a form.
- Online, for one-off donations or for giving a regular amount each month.
- By phone, using the Parish Giving Scheme to give on a regular basis.
- Via your bank, by writing a cheque or making a transfer.
- By shopping online – at zero extra cost to you!
- Leaving a legacy.