It would be immensely helpful if you are able to make regular donations to St Giles Graffham using our Parish Giving Scheme, which you can do online (click on this link and then, on the page that will open up, entering “Graffham” as the “parish name” in the “filter results” search box on the left), by phone or by filling in a form or a one-off donation online, but you may prefer to give directly from your bank, which would, of course, be welcome, too.
Cheques, made payable to The PCC Graffham, should be posted to Graffham PCC Treasurer, c/o The Rectory, Graffham, Petworth, West Sussex GU28 0NL, UK. Please also see the paragraph below regarding Gift Aid.
Bank transfer: Please contact Graffham PCC Treasurer Yvonne Butterick for the St Giles’ bank account details you will need at graffhampcctreasurer@gmail.com or c/o The Rectory, Graffham, Petworth, West Sussex GU28 0NL, UK.
Gift Aid: If you are a UK taxpayer, please also fill in a Gift Aid declaration (downloadable here), which means we will be able to boost your donation by 25% by claiming back tax from the government. Once completed, please return this to Graffham PCC Treasurer, c/o The Rectory, Graffham, Petworth, West Sussex GU28 0NL, UK.
Thank you for helping St Giles Graffham in this way.