All Saints Chapel

The haven of peace that is All Saints Chapel is situated in the centre of the village across the road from the Graffham Village Shop. It was designed and built by a local benefactor, Colonel Godfrey Loring in 1953, together with three attached almshouses. In the days of fewer cars, it was intended to provide worship for people at the lower end of the village for whom the journey to St Giles Church was considered too far. The village is grateful for Colonel Loring’s foresight and generosity in building the cottages, which provide three units of much needed affordable housing in the village. The Chapel was dedicated in the name of ‘St Giles and All Saints’ by the Bishop of Winchester.

More information about the building and history of All Saints Chapel can be found in Graffham: Memories, Articles, Photos (2015) ed. Mary Butterworth and Diana White, obtainable through the internet.

All Saints Chapel and Cottages are owned and managed by the All Saints Chapel Trust, Registered Charity 215467 and not St Giles Church or the Graffham PCC. All queries about the Chapel building, grounds and housing should be addressed to the All Saints Trustees.  See Who’s Who for contact email.

All Saints Chapel is a precious spiritual facility for our village and our parish continues to explore how to use it positively for worship. Normally it is open daily for prayer and reflection, Book of Common Prayer Evensong is offered on the second Sundays of the month at 6pm and Morning Prayer is said in the Chapel on Tuesday mornings at 9.30am. An ecumenical service based on worship from the Taize community takes place occasionally either in All Saints Chapel or St Giles Church.  This is advertised in advance.