Once you have made provision for your loved ones, leaving a gift to St Giles Graffham in your will is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can continue to support our church’s mission and ministry in our community.
Regular giving is vital to cover everyday activities such as maintaining, heating and insuring the church building, but a gift from your estate is different. No matter how large or small, each gift can make a significant impact and can help keep St Giles Church alive and assist in the preservation of its future. Making your gift available to contribute to necessary expenditure, without restricting the use to which it may be put if at all possible, will help to maintain and develop the church for the community and visitors alike.
If you would like to find out more about how to leave a lasting gift in your will, this Church of England website has all the information you need.
Thank you for helping St Giles Graffham in this way