St Giles Graffham has teamed with the nationwide Parish Giving Scheme to make it as easy as possible for both you and us to make regular donations to support our church.
Supporting your church and parish this way takes just a minute or two for you to set up – online, by phone or by filling in a form (see below).
You can choose to donate by direct debit monthly, quarterly or annually – and you can choose to give your donations anonymously if you prefer.
The scheme includes the options for you to increase your gift automatically each year in line with inflation – which would obviously be very helpful – and to allow Gift Aid relief to be claimed thereby increasing the value of your donation by 25 %.
Online: You can register online by clicking on this link and then, on the page that will open up, entering “Graffham” as the “parish name” in the “filter results” search box on the left.
By phone: Or you can complete the process quickly and easily by phone. Click here for details on how to do this.
Filling in a form: Or you can complete a copy of the Parish Giving form, which you can download here, or pick up a copy at St Giles Church or All Saints Chapel (which is opposite the village shop). Or ask our Parish Giving Officer Carole Sargent at carole.sargent2541@gmail.com to deliver one to you. If you download a form to fill in, please:
- Ensure that you print out the copy of the form you have downloaded in full colour and that your printed copy is legible.
- Complete the form by writing in ink.
- Tick the box at the top right of the form to confirm that you have read this information sheet. Your form cannot be processed unless you have ticked that box.
- Once you have completed the form, please post it to the Parish Giving Scheme at the address shown at the bottom of the form.
For more information about the Parish Giving Scheme, you can download an information leaflet by clicking here.
For frequently asked questions about the Parish Giving Scheme, click here.
Thank you for helping St Giles Graffham in this way.