Graffham Parish News 2019-2023

For editions published between 2023 and 2019, scroll down the page.

For editions before 2019, please click here to search online in Graffham Archive.

Graffham Parish News is published monthly by Graffham Parochial Church Council (PCC) and hand-delivered free of charge to residents in Graffham and East Lavington, as part of our church’s service to the community. As well as details of upcoming church services and activities, it covers EVERYTHING that goes on locally – social events, Graffham and East Lavington Parish Councils, the Empire Hall, schools, the recreation ground and all other clubs, groups and organisations, you name it…

If you do not live in Graffham, copies of the current issue are available in St Giles Church and in the Graffham Village Shop – or you can download the latest edition and a growing backlog of archive editions here.

Click on the relevant month’s cover to download a full pdf version of that month’s magazine.

Although Graffham Parish News is distributed free to all households in Graffham and East Lavington, we do invite readers to donate towards its production costs to help keep the magazine solvent. You donate towards it online here.






February 2019
March 2019
July 2019
August 2019
September 2019
April 2019
May 2019
June 2019
October 2019
November 2019
December 2019